Patrick Stewart | Star Trek

Star Trek is one of the most loved franchises, and Patrick Stewart, who played Captain Jean-Luc Picard, is one of the show’s most loved characters. Did the actor foresee that the series would turn out to be a hit? He did, but he was hesitant at first. Star Trek directors called him from London to audition for the role, but given that he was not sure of the TV series climate in the US, he had apprehensions.

He took the risk, however, and signed a contract for six years. A lawyer most likely poured over that contract extensively to make sure there was nothing amiss and that he would get paid the agreed-upon $100,000 per episode. However, success only came after Star Trek appeared on the big screen. Stewart got paid $5 million, $9.5 million, and $13 million for Star Trek: First Contact, Star Trek: Insurrection and Star Trek: Nemesis, respectively.