Will Smith | After Earth & Suicide Squad

Will Smith, the former Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, played the role of Deadshot in the 2016 DC Comics film Suicide Squad. Deadshot is a devoted dad by day and an assassin who enjoys mercenary work by night. Smith reportedly took home a $20 million paycheck for this acting credit, which added more to his already astounding $260 million fortune.

One could argue that his portrayal of Deadshot was a massive hit. However, his success in Suicide Squad came after the massive flop that was his 2013 film, After Earth. After Earth saw Will Smith star alongside his son, Jaden, and it isn’t clear how much the Smiths earned from the movie. What’s certain is that the movie lost money in the process, and critics gave the film negative review after negative review. After Earth reportedly spent $130 million to produce but only brought back $60 million domestically.