Kendrell Bowman & Anthony Wayne

Before any investments were made in cinema and TV, the theater was one way for people to see various old and new stories be brought to life. Suffice to say, its reputation as one of the most sought-after sources of entertainment hasn’t dwindled even in more recent years. With that said, let’s look at two talented figures in this side of the business: Kendrell Bowman and his partner Anthony Wayne.

While the duo may have been born in different parts of the country, they eventually connected through their passion for the stage. Wayne has garnered widespread praise for his performance in numerous productions, including Mighty Real: A Fabulous Sylvester Musical, which he co-wrote and co-created with Bowman. Meanwhile, Bowman is regarded for his work as a theatrical director and producer. Besides impressing critics and audiences, the two also give aspiring artists a chance to shine through their AnthonyKen production company.