Italy And California

Despite being smaller than the popular state in America, Italy actually has more residents than California. According to Worldometer, the European country has more than 60 million residents while the other has more than 39.7 million. If there is a small degree of similarity between these two is that they are well-loved by celebrities to live in. In the West Coast state, Katy Perry, Oprah, and Ellen DeGeneres are some of the known residents, while Italy caters to the likes of George Clooney, Brad Pitt, and Donatella Versace.

Another interesting fact about Italy is that it contains an enclave, another sovereign state within its borders. The Vatican City, led by the Catholic Pontiff is the head of state of that small state. Also contained in Italy are over 1,500 lakes. Its highest mountain is Mont Blanc, which literally means white mountain.