Most Populated Areas In The US

According to the World Population Review, the state of California is the most populated state in the US, besting 49 other states. It has more than 39.6 million residents, a nearly 10 million gap from the second leader, Texas, with 29.7 million. In comparison, this popular state on the West Coast has more people than other huge countries like Australia, Canada, and Malaysia. When it comes to least populated states, leading is the state of Wyoming with only 581,075 residents. Imagine the electricity generated to power the homes of such a big population.

Why are the outer states populated, while the more inner states are barely occupied? It is because the world’s largest civilizations have always started close to a water body. In America’s case, it is the oceans at the coasts. In the case of Egypt, it is the river. The same goes for China. Water is critical to making a civilization prosper.