America’s Favorite Coffee Shop



Coffee shops are arguably one of the most popular places besides malls and restaurants. Some of us go there to buy our cup of coffee before going to work, while others drop by to study and have a snack before heading home. While there are many establishments around America, it sure looks like the crowd favorite are Starbucks, followed by Dunkin’ Donuts.

That is indeed a lot of greens. Well, Starbucks is not just a local brand but is also serving globally, with many investments in various countries. According to Business Insider, this popular food chain has more than 30,000 branches worldwide and more than 15,000 are located in the United States. Dunkin’, on the other hand, has 9,384 locations across the country, as of February 2022, and 15% or 1,428 of those are situated in New York.

