Australia Or The United States?

However, when it comes to population, the USA has a huge lead by a great degree compared to the land down under. Worldometers revealed that Australia ranks 55th among the most populated countries with nearly 25.5 million people. America, on the other hand, ranks third with more than 331 million. Meanwhile, if we’re talking about biodiversity, Australia is undoubtedly leading. Not to mention its kangaroos, snakes, and gigantic spiders. Mongabay ranks it 7th while the other is 10th.

Interestingly, data from 2016 indicate that in Australia, there are more animals than humans. Specifically, the number of kangaroos is estimated to be at 45 million, double the population of the country. As such, Australians are encouraged to eat more kangaroos than any type of meat to help control the population of these hopping animals.