Tony Bennett

Anthony Dominick Benedetto, or more famously known as Tony Bennett, is an American singer who is known to hit the perfect notes. The singer didn’t have it easy in his career. Bennett started singing at the age of 10 and had already known about his passion for the arts at a very young age. The singer even attended New York’s School of Industrial Arts to study painting and music. At the age of 16, Bennett had to stop studying to support his family, which is probably also the reason he didn’t get a degree. The singer had to work low-income jobs and was later drafted into the Army in 1944.

He was discharged in 1946 and three years later, was recognized for his talents in singing. His career rose since, and Bennett became one of the singers admired for his perfect pitch when it came to his songs. Tony Bennett is the founder of the Frank Sinatra School dedicated to teaching the performing arts in Astoria, Queens, New York. The school opened in 2001 and would have a very high graduation rate.