Robert Clary

French-American actor, singer, author, artist, and lecturer Robert Clary is best known for his role as Corporal Louis LeBeau on the TV sitcom Hogan’s Heroes. Clary is not only an actor of great caliber but the good-looking French-American is known for his singing voice. When he was twelve, he began a career singing professionally on a French radio station and also studied art in Paris.

Thanks to his beautiful voice, it had greatly helped him when he was imprisoned in a Nazi concentration camp. The actor often shares how lucky he is to be currently alive and is often praised for his bravery and modesty. It is very much known that he has suffered a lot during the day, but has shared that he does not like talking about his past and would rather put his time investments into his craft. This must be the reason for his great success during the span of his career. Clary wrote a memoir, From the Holocaust to Hogan’s Heroes: The Autobiography of Robert Clary in 2001.