Super Yo-Yo

Having a yoyo back in the 1990s meant you were cool. Yoyo players were so serious about this toy that they came up with various strategies and moves. They also went as far as customizing their yoyos with fancy axles and strings, much like how a car enthusiast would pimp his car. To some degree, boys dominated this particular toy genre and became experts at it. This does not mean that women were not playing it, because some of them had mad skills, too.

A young man named Marcus Koh, who was born in 1993, took his love for the yo-yo to the next level by competing professionally. He even won the world championships back in 2011, under the sponsorship of Auldey and Turning Point, which are both yoyo companies. He then went on to become a businessman and establish his own company, Throw Revolution. So, whoever says that playing games is not profitable, think again.